Faberge yellow gold Egg

Harper College: The 33 Million Dollar Faberge Egg

In 1885 the jewelry house of Peter Carl Fabergé began what would become the ultimate last great commission of “objets d’art” in the world, The Imperial Easter Eggs. Fabergé received the coveted title, ‘Goldsmith by Special Appointment to the Imperial Crown’ and began the remarkable collection of treasures forever associated with the tragic end of…

Hitler Vs. Art

Being obsessive-compulsive about all of his ideas, Adolph Hitler was specific about which sculpture, paintings, dance and music would be tolerated and collected by the Reich and which “degenerative” art had to be destroyed. Harper College instructor Ann Leslie takes you down the Nazi path of destruction as she describes how they stole and destroyed some of the world’s most precious work.

Lightening strike

Harper College: Natural Disasters – How to Prepare for Them

Natural disasters are a 24/7, anywhere-everywhere, equal-opportunity event. We may not be home when one happens. What if we’re at the market, in our car, or out walking? It’s essential to recognize how even small events can become life-threatening within moments. Disasters can be overwhelming, so how can we prepare for them and their devastating effects? Come away with solid ideas you can implement if needed