NEW Virtual Reality Bike Exercises Body, Mind and Competitive Spirit for Garlands Members
By Dr. Sandra Sieber
We all know that exercising is beneficial. However, thinking and engaging the brain during exercise boosts Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which substantially encourages brain growth. That’s exactly what the Garlands newest piece of “exergaming” equipment delivers!

The interactive nature of The Garlands new CyberCycle forces riders to think while exercising, offering a dual benefit for both physical and cognitive health. A study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that virtual reality-enhanced exercise like CyberCycling offer greater cognitive benefit than traditional exercise. CyberCyclists, the study showed, experienced a 23 percent reduction in progression to mild cognitive impairment compared to traditional exercises.
Riders use their minds in a variety of ways, from shifting gears to avoiding obstacles. They are in charge of steering, pedaling, and staying on the road. Riders sit in a large, comfortable seat with handlebars on each side that include buttons for shifting gears. Riders can choose from 48 different races across four difficulty levels, from basic courses of a few miles to extreme treks with challenging uphill grades. Virtual locales range from redwood forest to an undersea course laden with sharks and shipwrecks. The longest course is 20 miles.
With over 200 CyberCycle teams worldwide, the Garlands can even compete in nationwide challenges with other senior communities all in a healthy spirit of competition. Since each rider logs in with a unique password, they can track their own progress, the progress of their team and the more than 1,300 riders throughout the world on their computer or smartphone. They can also compete with a ghost rider that represents their best previous ride on a particular course.
In addition, I am also excited to introduce an exciting, ground-breaking exergame balance system to our fitness center in 2020. We hope members will take advantage of this opportunity to improve their brain, balance and overall well being.
The Garlands is always ahead of the curve in utilizing the latest and greatest in technological advancements and that includes exergame equipment like the cybercyle. I want to personally encourage all members to get oriented to this fun, fast and easy workout. Your brain will thank you! Members can call *15 to sign up for an orientation.