Natalie and Fred with Mountains


The sky is the limit for Fred and Natalie Sponsler.   Be ADVENTUROUS Garlands members American Airlines pilot Fred and tax accountant Natalie were “fixed up” later in life by their fraternity brother teenage sons. Taking a risk on love again, the adventuresome Fred and Natalie began dating. A trained Air Force pilot and owner of his own Cirrus…

Gary and Sue Ellen on Ski Lift


Sharing breathtaking views atop a snowy Colorado mountain is a real thrill for Gary and Sue Ellen Griffin.   Be THRILLING Family ski trips that started when their three boys were in grammar school continue today…with the addition of seven grandchildren on the slopes! They’ve been risk-takers and adventurers from the get-go. Sue Ellen took the first…

Dorothy and Richard on their deck


His and her offices are the perfect fit for Richard and Dorothy Winsor, two scholars with doctorate degrees in their respective fields.   Be YOURSELF In their Garlands home, each spouse has space – in the home as well as in their relationship – to be him or herself and follow their own individual passions – along…

Phyllis Baber

Sixteen Years, WOW!

As they say, “It’s funny how time flies, especially when you are having fun.”

It is hard to believe that I have lived at The Garlands for 16 years now–I have enjoyed every moment! In fact, this might even sound like an ad for The Garlands, however, I thought that maybe some people might like to learn how an “old timer,” who has lived here nearly from the start, feels about being a Garlands member

Van Griffen's at dinner


The Garlands is home-sweet-home to Dick and Alice Van Egeren.   Be GRACIOUS When these Garlands Members returned to Barrington, where they raised their five children, it was a happy homecoming after 15 golden years in Arizona. Once settled, they welcomed a new four-legged family member, Callie, affectionately known as their “Velcro dog.” Ever perched on a…

Zilowski's in library


The Zilkowski classroom knows no boundaries.       Be SMART For these Garlands members Red is the color of love and Bob Zilkowski’s beloved alma mater, Indiana University. “I bleed crimson,” says Bob, a Hoosier fan through and through. Bob and Janet met on a blind date at IU, fell in love and married on the beautiful…

Sisters having coffee


Bonnie Gekler is organized, Chris Kotarba is a wee bit loosey-goosey.   Be FRIENDS These Garlands members and lifelong friends are like two distinct peas in the same pod. Whale watching, hiking, retirement parties, a wedding and divorce, a few medical challenges, birthday celebrations―the two pals cruise through life’s ups and downs together. Workmates at First National Bank,…

Bonnie Smith smiling drinking coffee


Be THE LIGHT Garlands member Bonnie Smith Smiley’s friendliness, outgoing personality, and yes, smile, consistently exceed even the highest of those expectations. Bonnie’s life journey began in California and led her and her husband, Don, to serve in Guam and then return to California, Washington, New York, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida. With their son’s encouragement, they eventually moved…

Joyce Carlson holding The Gazette


Be VALUED Joyce Carlson comes from a long line of do-it-yourselfers. An assistant in a third-generation, family-owned paint contracting business, Joyce was a “working mother” long before the term was coined. When the business line rang in her family’s Chicago three-flat, she would whip into multi-tasking mode, corral the three kids and book the next…

Server bring soup to woman member

Krystyna Weglarz | Hostess/Server

For 16 years, almost since opening day, Krystyna has taken great pleasure in serving Garlands members. “It is very fulfilling for me because I love helping people and talking to the members.” While serving breakfast or managing the Café, Krystyna is quick with a kind word and a hug and says, “We become like an extended…

Staff member chatting with member outside

Lynn Adams | Director of Activities/Lifestyles

I love my job! Our members are fantastic. They are so interested in art, education, music, world events, expanding their horizons, challenging their brains, helping others, playing games, visiting together and the list goes on. It’s a joy to work with them!  I also really love working with our fellow team members. All our departments care so…

Water color cover

Watercooler Sisters Art Exhibit

The art exhibit “Divergent Paths” on display at The Gallery at The Garlands of Barrington July through August 30, 2018 features work by a group of talented women artists and friends who are equally passionate about creating art and supporting each other’s artistic endeavors. The self-named Watercooler Sisters—a result of a happy accident on a restaurant reservation—are showing a…


The Garlands Inspira: Cultivate Possibility. Ignite Opportunity. Inspire Amazing.

Over the last 15 years our members have inspired us to set goals, dream bigger and have fun! We have countless examples of members with remarkably inspiring stories about their lives before and since moving to The Garlands—health improved, interests pursued, bucket lists crossed off . . . and the list goes on. “The Inspira philosophy and name are in honor of our members past, present and future and 15 years of inspired living here at The Garlands,” says Lund.
